Travel to the Fair

Travelling to the Fair by car or coach

Where to park when travelling to the Fair by car or coach.

Stopping Places

Details on this page will provide up-to-date information about restrictions at some of the more popular stopping places used by those travelling to the Fair. Please check the details carefully and respect the restrictions that are in place.


It is of prime importance that those who are visiting the fair arrive and return home safely.

Cumbria sees an influx of slow moving horse drawn trailers and caravans in the area as the fair approaches and gypsies and travellers come from all across Europe to enjoy Appleby Horse Fair.

Appleby Horse Fair, can attract up to 50,000 visitors, which can cause travel issues.

Horse drawn trailers and caravans will use the main roads into Appleby, including the busy A66 as well as other roads across the north of England. All agencies remind motorists to be extra vigilant at this time of year to prevent any accidents.

Traffic Management

Traffic Management in Appleby Town Centre during the Horse Fair. Highways changes are in place in Appleby town centre during the Horse Fair which aim to make the event safer.


Toilets - Car parking - Bus Parking

Toilet facilities, car parking and bus parking information for visitors to the Fair.