Update to traffic restrictions
A road closure has been put in place, in the vicinity of the Midland Hotel, to help facilitate the safe management of traffic during Appleby Fair. You can view it, below.
The Cumbria County Council measure prohibits the passage of vehicles along the section of the U3355 Appleby, from its junction with Station Road to its junction with Clifford Street, extending in a south easterly direction.
It is expected the restriction will be required for seven days.
A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times.
A suitable alternative route for south-east bound traffic will be signed and made available via Station Road, Garths Heads Road and Clifford Street.
A suitable alternative route north-west bound will be signed and made available via Clifford Street, Garth Heads Road, Drawbriggs Lane, Garbridge Lane, Roman Road and Station Road.